We want to give back

We’re in a fortunate position to provide a workplace that supports our team and their goals while  delivering results for our clients and leading the industry with innovation and technology. We know that professionally we’re making a difference in people’s lives but there’s always more that we can do to help others.

Deciding how to use our success to support others can be challenging as there are so many great organisations out there doing great things. So we put it to our team of wonderful people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. From our diverse team came lots of diverse charities and causes and to bring this all together we chose Pledge 1%.

Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% is an organisation that provides assistance and support for businesses to pledge 1% of profit, equity, time or product to contribute to nonprofits. We chose to pledge 1% of profit annually and 1% of employee time towards charitable initiatives to leverage a portion of our future success to support nonprofits that are important to our whole team.

Throughout the year, we will support multiple charities and causes to achieve our 1% pledge of profit annually and 1% of employee time towards charitable initiatives (approx. 600 hours per year). https://pledge1percent.org/

As we mentioned above, it’s important for our whole team to play an integral part in this so when we have suggestions from the team we action them because knowing that one person can make a difference, makes ALL the difference!

Dress for Success

The Bravure team searched their wardrobes and donated corporate attire to Dress for Success. Dress for Success promotes equality and fairness for women because all women deserve equal opportunities. Donating high quality and near new corporate clothing enables women in need to not only nail their interviews but thrive in their roles. We also made a cash donation of $500 which helps Dress for Success to continually offer their wide range of programs to women. To find out more visit https://sydney.dressforsuccess.org/